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    The monarch caterpillars are famous for their bright stripes, which help to deter predators. They also have an interesting anatomy that makes them unique from other caterpillar species. The monarch… Read More »CATERPILLAR ANATOMY


      The monarch butterfly has a very distinct and recognizable appearance, with bright orange wings marked with black veins and white spots. The wings are long and narrow, and the front… Read More »MONARCH ANATOMY


        ‘Cause they’re awesome!? The Monarch Butterfly is the poster child for biodiversity. Because they are so sensitive to changes in their ecosystems, scientists use butterfly populations and their behavioral shifts… Read More »WHY MONARCHS?


          Monarch butterflies live and breed throughout North America feeding on milkweed their favorite host plant. Monarch butterflies live primarily in meadows, grasslands and along roadsides, throughout North America. While most monarchs… Read More »ALL ABOUT MONARCHS

          LIFE CYCLE

            The monarch butterfly has four distinct life stages: egg, larva (caterpillar), pupa (chrysalis), and adult. Source: Monarch Watch The Migration takes multiple Generations That’s right. Monarch migration happens over “generations”… Read More »LIFE CYCLE

            No Tropical Milkweed!

            WHAT NOT TO PLANT

              The introduction of non-native species can have far-reaching ecological impacts that are often difficult to predict. In southern California, the planting of non-native or tropical milkweed (Asclepias curassavica) has become… Read More »WHAT NOT TO PLANT

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